We are a spiritual family of brothers and sisters, in Christ. Saved from our sins by grace (Eph.2:8), we are grateful to Christ as our Savior (Matt.26:28). And submit to Him as our Lord (Rom.6).

We recognize that submission to Christ cannot be separated from submission to his word (Luke 6:46; Jn.14:15). Therefore, we accept His word as authoritative and turn to Scripture as our guide and creed (Acts 17:11). We simply aim to work and worship as an assembly (a church) of Jesus Christ in our area.

We have believed in Christ (Jn.3:16), repented from sin (Acts 3:19), confessed our Lord (Rom.10:9), and been baptized in His name unto the remission of our sins (Acts 2:38). We would be pleased to have you visit with us, and we would be happy to offer assistance to you in finding Bible answers to your questions.

When you visit you won’t find…

Pleas for your donation, pledge drives, fund raisers, love-offerings for the speaker, etc. etc. Our local members do give of their means on the first day of the week [1 Cor.16:1-2] but visitors are not expected to take care of our responsibilities.

Gymnasiums, dining halls, arcade rooms, etc. Though many of us enjoy sports, exercise, and good food, we do not use funds given for the Lord’s work to fund such entertainment interests of our own. Furthermore, such things are not the reason for our coming together [cf. 1Cor.11.20-22]. What you will find instead, is a friendly and energetic group of people meeting together for worship and Bible study.


  • Pamphlet – Gettysburg church of Christ